The Centre for Innovative Materials for Health is a cross-disciplinary entity with membership from the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland. It is co-directed by experts from various disciplines namely Prof. Jadranka Travas-Sejdic (Chemical Sciences, FoS), A/P Jenny Malmström (Chemical and Materials Engineering, FoE), A/P Lokesh Padhye (Civil and Environmental Engineering, FoE) and Prof. Bronwen Connor (Pharmacology, FMHS). The Centre focuses on applying innovative and sustainable materials, processes, and engineering technologies for human health and the health of our water.

The Centre is a highly collaborative entity that is well-positioned to make transformative impacts in the field of materials research for health. By bridging various disciplines, engaging with stakeholders, and embracing indigenous knowledge, the Centre has the potential to contribute significantly to improving health outcomes, addressing environmental challenges, and fostering a knowledge-intensive economy in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
We aim to fill a unique gap in Aotearoa/New Zealand’s materials research for health by integrating expertise in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, and personalised medicine. Through cross-disciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge research, the Centre aims to develop novel medical technologies, enhance human health, and address water-quality challenges to improve the health of people, water, and communities. The Centre emphasizes collaboration, strong national and international networks, and the inclusion of Māori partners and communities to develop co-designed solutions and address water-quality challenges. The Centre will augment traditional approaches to caring for water with new technologies underpinned by innovative materials and processes to deliver cost-effective solutions to remove chemical and microbial contaminants affecting human health targeting SDG3 and SDG6 challenges.